This year, in conjunction with 5 other Chambers in the area, we are participating in The Spring Table Top Expo – A Taste of Business being held on Wednesday, April 11th at the Bartley Center at Holyoke Community College from 4:30 until 7:00PM. The Chambers hosting this gathering are The Chamber of Greater Easthampton, Greater Chicopee Chamber of Commerce, Greater Holyoke Chamber of Commerce, The Chamber Northampton, Quaboag Hills Chamber of Commerce, and the South Hadley & Granby Chamber. Last year there were about 170 exhibitors, and with the addition of the SHG and Quaboag Hills chambers we are hoping for more this year. There are several ways that our businesses can participate in this cooperative venture.
1) Sponsorship of the overall event – see the following sponsorship section at the bottom of this page. This will provide very high regional visibility through your inclusion on all publicity, signage, etc.
2) Take a table and promote your business to other businesses and the public from all over the region. A Table is $150 for an 8’ by 3’, draped table. Show the world what you offer! Again, register here at or call and leave a message at 413-532-6451.
3) Attend the event to learn and enjoy! If you pre-register here at the chamber ( admission is free. Otherwise it will be $15 at the door.
4) As an incentive to non-members, if they join the SHG Chamber by March 31st, they can get a table at the Expo for $75. Let your business friends know!
How does this benefit your Chamber? We benefit financially as a portion of each sponsorship, table rental, or admission fee stays right here in our two towns to help support our own programs and outreach. And we increase the visibility of both the Chamber and all of our member businesses.
$150 per marketing table; sponsorship opportunities available at affordable levels of: $500, $750, and $1000.
New Chamber members are entitled to 50% discount on a table.
Not a member? Now is THE time to join.
General Admission is free with online registration - $15 at the door
To register at any level, please contact me at or call 532-6451. If you are taking a table, include whether you will need electricity as this is a scarce commodity in the Bartley Center. Make checks payable to SHG Chamber of Commerce and send to P.O. Box 94, South Hadley, MA 01075.